Drug Rehab in Escondido, CA

Escondido, CA
(760) 561-5840

For many of those who have become accustomed to abusing substances, there comes a time when enough is enough, and the individual begins taking serious steps toward recovery. When you’re ready to overcome your reliance on drugs or alcohol, it can be difficult to determine how to best tackle the problem. At our Escondido, California drug abuse recovery program, we’re proud to offer our clients the assistance they need to overcome their addiction and begin living a life free of substance abuse. New Life Recovery House is committed to ensuring each client gets the best possible treatment for their addiction.

Supervised Detoxification

One of the first steps you’ll take once you enter a drug rehab clinic is to purge your body of the toxins left behind by substance abuse. While this process may seem intimidating, it is an essential part of recovery. While withdrawal can be at best uncomfortable and at worst outright dangerous, with our experienced and friendly staff watching over you, you can rest assured that you’ll be detoxing in a safe environment.

Dual Diagnosis

Did you know that roughly half of those who struggle with addiction are also struggling with a co-occurring mental health disorder? When someone is struggling with a co-occurring mental health disorder in addition to their addiction, just treating the addiction is unlikely to prove fruitful. Furthermore, even if addiction recovery proves possible, the untreated mental health disorder may cause the individual to return to substance abuse in order to self-medicate. Fortunately, dual diagnosis mental health treatment allows us to treat both conditions concurrently. But treating both the addiction and the co-occurring mental health disorder, we can provide our clients with the best possible chance at both attaining and retaining recovery.

Various Therapeutic Strategies

At New Life Recovery House in Escondido, California, we provide a full complement of therapeutic strategies to help each and every client face their addiction effectively. During personal therapy sessions, you’ll work closely with a counselor to discuss your intimate thoughts and reservations. By getting to know you intimately, our staff will be able to better understand how to best help you overcome substance abuse.

In addition, New Life Recovery House also provides group therapy sessions. During these sessions, you’ll meet with your peers in the substance abuse treatment center and discuss a variety of subjects related to addiction. During these sessions you’ll not only have the opportunity to learn from your fellow clients in our drug rehab center, you’ll also have the chance to share your own story. Although they may seem daunting at first, many of our clients come to have a deep appreciation for these group therapy sessions, and may even find the foundation for their own sober support network among their peers there.

Customized Treatment Plans

Beginning with your extensive intake interview, our staff will work hard to better understand you, your addiction, and your goals. You’ll work together to create a customized addiction recovery plan that takes your individual needs into account and finds a way to help you reach your recovery goals. If at any time you become dissatisfied with your recovery plan, you only need to contact a member of our staff, and it can be amended to better suit your goals.

Contact Us Today

If you’re ready to face and overcome your addiction, we have the tools you need to accomplish your goal. Contact one of our addiction specialists today, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have regarding our addiction recovery program. At New Life Recovery House in Escondido, California, we’re ready to help you defeat addiction.